Blog Labels

Monday 5 March 2007


Feeling generous and wanting to save the world? Here is one way of doing it....Become a Ocean Defender as the 'Greenpeace' International suggests.

Greenpeace International has started to utilise the capacity of the Internet and the BLOGGING world to get people involved in 'saving the planet', in this case saving the ocean and all the whales, whose numbers have dropped drastically due to over fishing in waters like Japan.....the country is to blame for its 'extravagant diet routine': whale meat and what not.

Greenpeace International Annual report 2006 showed an interest in using 'cyberactivism' as part of its strategy to get more supports from the public to pressure government and companies. The Blog itself (the link as shown above) has regular information on politics, reports on Whale issue, 'call to action', and loads of information on the work they carry, yet when looking at COMMENT sections, there ain't many post contributions on the topics they post.

This blog section has links to MYSPACE, caters for those who uses MSN services and also has a Forum section which seemed to attrack more visitors and anticipations from web-bloggers.

Cyberactivism is a new term but isn't that 'new'. Using Blogs and other recent Technologies to gain supports for their work is a cost-effective way for Greenpeace. Although their blogs haven't yet shown 'results' or proven to be 100% effective, the potential is there.

Apart from Ocean Defenders blog, Greenpeace International also have BLOG section where 'Making Waves'
is another area of concerned issue, waiting to be participated.

And finally, looking to buy an APPLE pc? Here is another way of making the APPLE, greener

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