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Thursday, 19 April 2007

GPS on your mobile

(credit for pic of New York: )

Mobile Augmented Reality Applications is a project that Nokia research team is about to release....a GPS navigation on your phone, not only in your car.

What this technology can do, according to Technology Review at MIT:

'Using data from these sensors, the phone can calculate the location of just about any object its camera is aimed at. Each time the phone changes location, it retrieves the names and geographical coördinates of nearby landmarks from an external database. The user can then download additional information about a chosen location from the Web.....

.....Finding your way around a new city can be exasperating: juggling maps and guidebooks, trying to figure out where you are on roads with no street signs, talking with locals who give directions by referring to unfamiliar landmarks. If you're driving, a car with a GPS navigation system can make things easier, but it still won't help you decide, say, which restaurant suits both your palate and your budget.....'

This could help to eliminate the amount of papers you're carrying around while exploring the new city: maps, Lonely Planet books, discount vouchers.......and make you look less like a tourist....

So if you're a PR consultancy and your clients are tech-savvy or interested in ulitising mobile technology for their publics, perhaps getting your clients' names on this list of providing information to publics' mobiles seem to be a good idea. Although the cost of listing could be huge since it's a new technology. There are some concern over investment in this mobile technology for marketers such as ROI proof, response rate to subcriptions...etc. The trend towards this application is rising not only in the US and Europe but also in South Africa.....the technology is changing the way farmers are doing business. (see list)

The N95 phone, although doesn't look fashionable for a girl, I've been waiting to get my hands on it since Jan.

More on Internet for your phone can be found at:

or Mobile web search with pictures:

Farmers and mobile:

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